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State of Rhode Island, Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing , Executive Department / Established in 1977. Restructured in 1992.

Legislation In RI - 2006

State of Rhode Island

Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Executive Department/Established in 1977. Restructured in 1992.

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This page focuses on all legislations pertaining to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing issues or concerns. You may want to check where each bill stands at this point. Please click here to go to RI General Assembly Bill Status System. Make sure to put all 4 digits next to "Bills:" and click on "enter" button on the screen. (not on the keyboard).

Current Legislations (Legislative Session in 2006):

1) Separation of Power - Board of the Examiners of Interpreters for the Deaf

SPONSOR: Rep. Coderre, Rep. Crowley, Rep. Kilmartin , Rep. Davey, and Rep. Gallison

House Bill 6751aa

Requires all appointments shall be made by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate and authorizes the board to elect from among its members the chairperson, vice chairperson and such other officers as it may deem necessary.


- Introduced on January 10th and then, referred to House Separation of Powers Committee.
- January 26th: the House Separation of Powers Committee recommended passage.
Result: House passed on Feb. 2nd with amendment.
February 7th: Referred to the Senate Government Oversight committee.
February 9th: Committee recommended passage as amended in concurrence.
February 16th: The Senate passed in concurrence.

RI CDHH Position: N/A.

2) Separation of Power - Board of the Examiners of Interpreters for the Deaf

SPONSOR: Senator Lenihan, Senator Metts, Senator Damiani , Senator Bates , and Senator Breene

Senate Bill 2140a

Requires all appointments shall be made by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate and authorizes the board to elect from among its members the chairperson, vice chairperson and such other officers as it may deem necessary.

Introduced on January 24th and then, referred to Senate Government Committee.
February 9th: the Senate committee recommended passage with amendment.
February 16th: The Senate passed Sub A.
March 2nd: The bill is referred to the House Separation of Powers Committee.
March 14th - the House committee recommended passage of Sub A in concurrence..

RI CDHH Position: N/A.

3) Budget for FY2006 Revision - RI CDHH and RISD

SPONSOR: Rep. Watson , Rep. Mumford, Rep. Gorham, Rep. Savage, and Rep. Ehrhardt

House Bill 7121

RI CDHH Budget for FY2006 - $352,084
Rhode Island School for the Deaf Budget for FY2006 - $6,752,518

Introduced on February 8th and then, referred to House Finance Committee.

RI CDHH Position: N/A.

4) Budget for FY2007 - RI CDHH and RISD

SPONSOR: Rep. Watson , Rep. Mumford, Rep. Gorham, Rep. Savage, and Rep. Ehrhardt

House Bill 7120 (Article 001 and Article 007)

RI CDHH Budget for FY2007 - $373,729
Rhode Island School for the Deaf Budget for FY2007 - $6,854,212
Rhode Island School for the Deaf Budget for Building in FY2007 - $31.25 million

Introduced on February 8th and then, referred to House Finance Committee.
House Finance Committee Hearing on Article 7 on April 12th at 12:30pm in Room 35.
The House Finance Committee amended and recommended for passage on June 13th.
The bill is placed on House Calender for vote.
The House and Senate passed in concurrance and the Governor signed it on June 30, 2006.

RI CDHH Position: Support Article 7 on RISD new building. Please click here for RI CDHH's testimony on April 12th.

PHOTOS at the House Finance Committee Hearing on April 12th provided by RI School for the Deaf: Click here for Photos

5) All Televised Political Advertisements Must Be Closed-Captioning.

SPONSOR: Rep. Handy, Rep. Ajello, Rep. Jacquard, Rep. Story, and Rep. McNamara

House Bill 6963

  • This would require all political advertisements on TV be close-captioned.
  • Status: Introduced on January 31st and then, referred to House Judiciary Committee.
  • March 23rd: Scheduled for Hearing or consideration. (POSTPONED)
  • April 4th: Scheduled for Hearing or consideration.
  • April 4th - Committee recommended measure be held for further study.
  • This bill died in the 2006 session.

RI CDHH Position: Support this bill.

6) Enhanced Language of Law on Board of the Examiners for the Interpreters for the Deaf

SPONSOR: Senators Gibbs, Blais, and Breene

Senate Bill 2750

  • The changes proposed are primarily to remove"archaic" language and replace with language consistent with contemporary practice.
  • Status: Introduced on February 14th and then, referred to Senate Health and Human Committee.
  • Result from the hearing on March 1st: the Senate Committee recommended measure be held for further study.
  • March 22nd: Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration.
  • March 22nd: the committee recommended passage. Awaiting for the date of the Senate Floor to vote.
  • April 4th: Senate read and passed. The bill now is referred to House HEW commitee.
  • June 20th: The House HEW Committee recommends passage in concurrance and placed on House Calendar for vote.
  • June 22nd: The House read and passed in concurrence.
  • June 29th: Transmitted to the Governor.
  • July 3rd: Governor SIGNED!

RI CDHH Position: Support this bill. Please click here for RI CDHH's testimony on March 1st.

7) Enhanced Language of Law on Board of the Examiners for the Interpreters for the Deaf

SPONSOR: Representative Long, Ehrhardt, Moffitt, Savage, and Story

House Bill 7616

  • The changes proposed are primarily to remove"archaic" language and replace with language consistent with contemporary practice.
  • Status: Introduced on February 12th and then, referred to House H.E.W. Committee.
  • April 5th: Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration.
  • April 5th - Committee recommended measure be held for further study.

RI CDHH Position: Support this bill.

8) Enhanced Language of Law on Board of the Examiners for the Interpreters for the Deaf

SPONSOR: Representative Long, Ehrhardt, Amaral, and Moffitt

House Bill 8122

  • The changes proposed are primarily to remove"archaic" language and replace with language consistent with contemporary practice.
  • Status: Introduced on May 18th and then, referred to House H.E.W. Committee.
  • May 30th- Scheduled for hearing at the rise of the house in room 135 at the State House.
  • May 30th- The Committee recommended measure be held for further study.
  • June 20th - The Committee recommended passage and placed on House Calendar for vote.
  • June 22nd - The House read and passed and now placed on Senate Consent Calendar for concurrance.
  • June 23rd: Senate passed in concurrance.
  • June 29th: Transmitted to the Governor.
  • July 3rd: Governor SIGNED!

RI CDHH Position: Support this bill.

9) Mandated Hearing Aid Coverage

SPONSOR: Senators Alves, Paiva-Weed, Roberts, Perry, and Gallo
SPONSOR: Representative Jacquard, Handy, and Naughton

Senate Bill 2383
House Bill 8254

To increase from $400 to $1500 for children under 19 and to increase from $400 to $700 for adults, age 19 and up. However, it did not mention about the optional rider coverage would pay the difference of the hearing aid costs.

Introduced on February 7th and then, referred to Senate Health and Human Committee.

  • May 24th: Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration at 3pm at the Senate Lounge at State House.
  • May 24th: Senate Health and Human Committee recommends passage. This goes to the Senate Floor for vote. The date will be determined.
  • June 8th: Placed on Senate Floor for vote.
  • June 13th: the Senate Floor passed.
  • June 15th: The bill is now being referred to the House Corporations Committee.
  • June 21st/22nd: Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration at 3pm at the room 203 at the State House.
  • June 21st: The Committee recommended passage with amended, $1500 for children under 19 and $700 for age 19 and up. The bill has been placed House Calender for vote.
  • June 22nd: The House Floor read and passed. Both bills, SB2383 and HB8254 shall go back to the Senate side to concur with the amendment made by the House.
  • June 22nd: Senate passed as amended in concurrance.
  • July 6th: Transmitted to Governor.
  • July 14th: This bill became law without Governor's signature.

RI CDHH Position: Support this bill but prefer with amendment to include the optional rider coverage.