Educational Training And Needs Assessment
RICDHH provides a range of free professional and educational in-services/presentations and needs assessment to State/Local government, municipalities, agencies, non-profit or for-profit organizations, and businesses seeking to improve their effectiveness in interacting and providing services to deaf, deaf-blind and hard of hearing persons.
The training topics are as follows:
An introductory training on deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing, and hearing loss population covering deaf community & culture, American Sign Language, demographics, effective communication methodologies, legal obligations under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), reasonable accommodations under ADA, and sign language interpreters and other assistive technology resources.
A presentation tailored to Public Safety agencies such as Firefighters, Emergency Medical Service, Law Enforcement (Police), and other first responders. Includes a discussion on effective first response to catastrophic events where Deaf or hard of hearing citizens are impacted.
Similar to the above but geared toward hospitals, health care clinics and facilities, doctors and doctor specialists, assisted living and nursing homes, and other settings involving medical care. Includes a discussion of site-specific accommodations and communication technology.
Similar to the above but specifically geared towards creating a communication accessible working environment for deaf and hard of hearing employees. Includes a discussion of “effective communications” and "reasonable accommodations" including role-play exercises.
Similar to the above but specifically geared towards state government and local municipalities, with a focus on providing effective reasonable accommodations and communication access solutions to deaf and hard-of-hearing persons.
Specifically geared toward communication access and environmental alert technologies utilized by persons who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing, and those wishing to communicate with them. Includes visuals and, if requested, actual demonstration where possible of this equipment.
An on-site visit with agencies, businesses, offices, and public programs to make suggestions as to what can be done to enhance communication access and environmental alerts so that deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing citizens, staff and customers, patients, and service recipients are aware of what is being communicated and what is happening in the immediate physical surroundings.
- Emergency Preparedness – Are You Ready?
- Be Alert and Stay Informed
- Communications Plan
- Emergency Kit
- Get Involved
- Effective Advocate for Yourself and Others
- Self-Esteem & Self Determination
- Knowing Your Rights and Resources
- Ethics of Working with Interpreters
- Effective Communication Strategies with Hearing People
- Utilizing Resources for Action
- Law Enforcement: Police & Public Safety
- Your Legal Rights (Miranda Warning)
- Use of Technology for Communication Access
- Effective Communications with Law Enforcement Officers
- Corrections, Prisons, and Hospital Facilities
- Law and Legal Services
- ASL Interpreters and Deaf Interpreters (CDI)
- ASL Interpreters – Your Partner for Effective Communications
- What Interpreters Need to Know from You
- Ethics of Working with Interpreters
- Effective Communication Strategies with Hearing People
- VRS and VRI Issues and Tips
- ASL Interpreters – Your Partner for Effective Communications
- What Interpreters Need to Know from You
- Ethics of Working with Interpreters
- Effective Communication Strategies with Hearing People
- VRS and VRI Issues and Tips
We can even customize our training program to meet the specific needs of your company or organization. For example, we offer group presentations to small or large groups, 1:1 consultation in person, or 1:1 technical assistance over the phone.
To send in a request for a presentation, group training sessions, or needs assessment, please complete and submit the on-line form or download a PDF version of the RICDHH Training and Needs Assessment Request Form.
For more information and planning purposes, please feel free to call Michael Baer at (401) 256-5511 voice/videophone or send him an email at . We look forward to hearing from and seeing you. Thank you.
(1)Costs to provide ASL Interpreters and CART (real-time captioning) will be incurred by RICDHH EPCAP office.