The Rhode Island Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (RICDHH) is an advocating, coordinating, and service providing entity committed to promoting an environment in which deaf and hard of hearing individuals in Rhode Island are afforded equal opportunity in all aspects of their lives.
The RICDHH develops policy; initiates and lobbies for favorable legislation; fosters cooperation and awareness among state agencies and community organizations; and educates and advises consumers, state agencies, and employers about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) rights to equal access.
The RICDHH also provides direct services in its operation of a Sign Language Interpreter/CART Referral Service, a lending library of books and videotapes, and as a clearinghouse of information and referral on all topics related to hearing loss.

The RICDHH aspires to be recognized as the central resources and advocate for the Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and Hard-of-Hearing citizens in Rhode Island.

To provide innovative leadership in public policy, advocacy, service delivery and accessibility throughout the Ocean State. RICDHH ensures opportunities for every Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and Hard-of-Hearing person to become an empowered and contributing Rhode Island citizen.

- COMMUNICATION - To ensure that all RI Deaf and Hard of Hearing citizens have full access to public audio and visual information and communication through sign language interpreter services, captioning, and technology.
- OPPORTUNITY - To create new opportunities through advocacy/policy, education, employment, and legislation for all RI Deaf and Hard of Hearing citizens.
- EQUALITY - To promote equality in the communities and society for all RI Deaf and Hard of Hearing citizens.