Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing , Executive Department / Established in 1977. Restructured in 1992.

Early Intervention

Executive Office of Health & Human Services Early Intervention Services

Family Service of Rhode Island Early Intervention Program

Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers


Rhode Island Early Intervention Providers:

Children’s Friend & Service

621 Dexter Street

Central Falls, RI 02863-2603

Ph. 721-9200

Fax. 729-0010

Director: Debra Mederios Ph. 721-9254

Program Manager: Natalie Redfearn Ph. 721-9294

Supervisor: Christine Crohan Ph.721-9229

Parent Consultant: Dora Cooney

Easter Seals, RI

213 Robinson Street

Wakefield, RI 02879

Ph. 284-1000, Fax. 284-1006

Director: Sue Hawkes x11

Supervisor: Tara McGarty x12

Parent Consultant: Amy Ortiz x15

Community Care Alliance

(formerly Family Resources Community Action)

245 Main Street

Woonsocket, RI 02895-3123

Ph. 766-0900, Fax. 766-8737

Director: Darlene Magaw Ph. 767-4078

Program Manager: Marcia Card Ph. 235-6007

Clinical Supervisor: Linda Majewski Ph. 235-6026

Parent Consultant: Denise Bouley Ph. 235-6012

Family Service of RI

134 Thurbers Avenue

Providence, RI 02905-4754

Referral line: 519-2307

Referral line for Spanish speaking families: 519-2308

Fax. 277-3388

Director: Jenn Kaufman x3358

Supervisor: Monique DeRoche x3343

Supervisor: Rebecca Collins x3353

Parent Consultant: Heather Correira x3325

The Groden Center

30 Livingston Street

Providence, RI 02904

Ph. 525-2380, Fax: 525-2382

Director: Leslie Weidenman Ph. 274-6310 x1006

Supervisor: Carol LaFrance Ph. 525-2380

Parent Consultant: Susan Barnatowicz Ph. 477-6743

Hasbro Children’s Hospital

335R Prairie Avenue

Providence, RI 02905

Ph. 444-3201, Fax. 444-8507

Referral line: 444-3201

Director: Mary Fournier Ph. 444-5251

Clinical Supervisor: Judith Dixon Ph.623-0115

Clinical Supervisor: Melissa Maguire Ph. 444-9372

Parent Consultant: Kelly Fantazzi

Developing Dreams at the James L. Maher Center

120 Hillside Avenue

Newport, RI 02840-1227

Ph. 848-2660, Fax. 847-9459

Director: Deborah Shears x123

Supervisor: Pam Dowd x117

Parent Consultant: Lynette Kapsinow x118 or Ph. 680-3203

Seven Hills Rhode Island

178 Norwood Ave.

Cranston, RI 02905

Ph. 921-1470, Fax: 762- 0837

30 Cumberland Street

Woonsocket, RI 02895

Ph. 921-1470, Fax: 762- 0837

Director: Laurie Farrell x7206

Supervisor: Lynne Gilpatrick x7213

Supervisor: Linda Hughes x 7214

Parent Consultant: Michele Daveluy

J. Arthur Trudeau Memorial Center

3445 Post Road

Warwick, RI 02886

Ph. 823-1731, Fax. 823-1849

25 West Independence Way

Kingston, RI 02881

Ph. 284-1980, Fax: 284-1979

Director: Pat Maris

Supervisor: Susan Quinn x364

Supervisor: Marie Preneta x 370

Parent Consultant: Jenn Franchetti Ph. 378-2475

Looking Upwards, Inc.

2974 East Main Road

Portsmouth, RI 02871

Mailing Address: PO Box 838

Portsmouth, RI 02871

Ph. 293-5790, Fax: 293-5796

Director: A. Valory McHugh x330

Supervisor: Carolyn Souza x310

Parent Consultant: Susan Plunkett Ph. 474-4703

Meeting Street

1000 Eddy Street

Providence, RI 02905

Ph. 533-9100, Fax. 533-9102

Referral line: 533-9104

Director: Casey Ferrara Ph. 533-9252

Supervisor: Jennifer Demello Ph. 533-9210

Supervisor: Antonio Martins Ph. 533-9261

Supervisor: Amanda Silva Boisvert Ph. 533-9172

Parent Consultant: Cris Faxas  Ph. 533-9244

Parent Consultant: Pamela Doner Ph. 533-9266

Rhode Island Early Intervention, Lead Agency:

Executive Office of Health and Human Services

Center for Child and Family Health

Hazard Building #74

74 West Road

Cranston, RI 02920

Part C Coordinator and Chief, Family Health Systems: Brenda DuHamel Ph. 462-0318