Agendas & Meetings

All Commission meetings are open to the public subject to Rhode Island General Laws, Title 42-46 (Open Meetings Act). All are welcome to attend. Interpreters and Captioning are provided.
All meetings, agendas, and minutes are posted under the RI Secretary of State’s Open Meetings website.
All meetings are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Cafeteria at Rhode Island School for the Deaf (RISD). For the public who cannot attend the meetings at RISD Cafeteria, you can watch the meetings through CDHH’s Zoom videoconference.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 239 466 2709
Phone Number: (646) 558-8656 (long-distance charges may apply)
Please call the CDHH office 48 hours in advance if additional accommodations are necessary to ensure equal participation. (401) 256-5511 Voice/VP.
The listed meeting dates and locations are subject to change.
Meeting Dates
January 18, 2023 (RISD Cafeteria/Zoom) (Agenda) / (No Minutes)
February 15, 2023 (RISD Cafeteria/Zoom) (Agenda) / (Minutes)
July 19, 2023 (RISD Cafeteria/Zoom)) (Agenda) / (No Minutes)
August 16, 2023 (RISD Cafeteria/Zoom) (Agenda) / (Minutes)
September 20, 2023 (RISD Cafeteria/Zoom) (Agenda) / (Minutes)
October 18, 2023 (RISD Cafeteria/Zoom) (Agenda) / (Minutes)
November 15, 2023 (RISD Cafeteria/Zoom) (Agenda) / (Minutes)
December 20, 2023 (RISD Cafeteria/Zoom) (Agenda) / (Minutes)
Search for Open Agendas, Meetings, & Minutes
Under Access to Public Records in Rhode Island, you have the right to search for information in any and all public meetings in Rhode Island.
find the CDHH Board of Commissioners’ next meeting date, location, agenda, minutes, and contact information
read/review the Recently Filed Meeting Minutes
search for CDHH Board of Commissioners’ past meetings (agendas, minutes, contact information)
Instructions to Open Search Meetings
- Visit the RI Department of State home page (click here)
- To find CDHH Board of Commissioners’ public meetings, Under Public Bodies, type “Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Commission on” then click “Search”.
If you have a specific meeting date range, Under Meeting Date Range, type “From Date” and “To Date.”